
The Victorious and the Relentless is a FICTITIOUS, GLBT dramatic series that chronicles the lives of several members of a private athletic club aptly named “Outrunners.” At the heart of all the scheming, backstabbing, cheating, sex, lies, and attempted murder—hallmarks of any soap opera—lies the character of Callum Sutcliffe, a mysterious Briton with an ax to grind with the members of Outrunners.

Often portrayed in the press as an incorrigible rotter, Callum sees himself as a strong-minded individual of honourable educational pedigree (Oxbridge) and driven talents in both business and bedroom endeavours. Recently widowered and having relocated to southern California for reasons yet to be disclosed, he has firmly set his sights on the fetching Nathan Moynihan and will do anything and everything within his power to secure permanence in his heart. This regrettably includes having to go up against Nathan’s current partner Brendon Roberts and their interfering lesbian ally Dr. Allison Trudeau. Callum will resort to any means necessary to achieve his goals—be it bitchery, backstabbing, blackmail, or perhaps something more felonious. Along his journey, he’ll find pawns to do his bidding, and all these details are chronicled in The Victorious and the Relentless, composed by his brilliant ghostwriter who shall remain nameless for the time being.

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